With Gravity Forms, you can create multiple notifications if needed. You have the options to direct notifications to a single email address or a string of addresses, send a notification based on the contents of an email address field in the form, or configure routing based on fields selected in the form.
To access your form notifications, go to Forms and select "Notifications" from the Settings dropdown:
All forms will have a default "Admin Notification" that you can edit, or you can add a new one:
When creating the notification, you have the following Send To options:
Enter Email: You can enter a single email address or a string of emails separated by a comma
Select a Field: Sends a notification to the user based on a field in the form, usually if you have an Email field on your form - you can route notifications to the address the form user entered.
Configure Routing: Using conditional logic, allows you to send notifications to specific addresses based on the user's input on specific fields.
Note: When adding a new notification, we recommend entering an email address in the From Email field to an email address with the same domain as your website. For example noreply@haleymarketing.com or noreply@websitename.com. This helps avoid deliverability issues.
To configure routing, you can enter as many conditions as you can add as many conditions as you would like based on the existing fields on your form.
From the example above, we have a question that asks for the user's location which will route the responses to different addresses based on their answer. You can set up routing for other fields within the same notification if you would like.
In the Send To field, you can enter one or multiple addresses separated by commas. This will notify the addresses of any user that's answer is the one that you chose.
For the condition, you can set up the values to be is or is not equal to (insert field), greater or less than, contains a certain word, or starts/ends with:
You can use conditional logic on any fields regardless if they are a single text field, dropdown, radio box, etc.
As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to our Client Success Team at success@haleymarketing.com
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