Channels are groups of content that users can subscribe to. When a user subscribes and adds a social account, this content will flow into their accounts periodically and post based on a set up schedule (see schedules)
Posts are content, texts/links/images/video, to share to a service like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. There are two types of posts: (1) posts directly to your personal accounts or (2) posts to a channel. If a post is created for a channel, it will feed out to all subscribers and their accounts linked to the subscription.
- Review the channels that are setup and if needed, create additional channels
Instructions for setting up a channel are available in this screencast:
- Add content to the channel
Content can be added to the channel via an RSS feed or manually creating a post for the channel. The RSS feed will be checked at a rate that is set in channel settings.
- Start Sharing to company accounts (connect accounts to channels)
Make sure your company accounts are subscribed to your new channels. Content from the subscribed channel will post to accounts you have included in your channel subscription.
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