The mobile settings page allows you to control the way the Talent Showcase works on mobile devices, independently from the way the it is set up to work on a desktop computer screen.
Use desktop version for iPad - By default, the Talent Showcase will use the desktop version on an iPad. This option is available to override the standard Talent Showcase and use the mobile version on the iPad instead.
Mobile front page displays
- Featured Talent - displays a visual of all talent marked as "featured"
- All Talent - displays a visual of all talent
- Search Form - allows a user to search using filters such as keyword, location, category, employment type, proximity, date and featured talent)
URL to Your Logo - This logo will display on the mobile version of your Talent Showcase. Your logo should be a maximum of 540px x 88px and saved as a transparent PNG.
Custom Mobile CSS - You can customize the look and feel of your Talent Showcase by adding your own styles via Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in the text box above. Click here to see examples.
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