The social sharing settings page allows you to set up the data that is used when your Talent Showcase is shared on search engines and social media sites.
Open Graph Meta Data
Open Graph (og) meta data is used when sharing talent to Facebook.
Site Name, Title Template, Description Template, Author and Publisher will set the text data that goes along with your talent post to Facebook.
Title Template - Use VARIABLES to build a clear title template without branding or mentioning the domain itself. Ex: Looking to hire in {CITY}, {STATE}?
Available Variables
Description Template - Use VARIABLES to build a clear description, at least 2 sentences long. Ex: Looking to hire in {CITY}, {STATE}? Our team of recruiters can help! Check out our talent: {TITLE}
Image URL - This will set the image that is sent to Facebook for all of your talent posts. Image should be at least 1200 x 630 pixels (minimum size requirement is 200 x 200 pixels). Try to keep a 1.91:1 aspect ratio. Note: transparent images will be cropped.
Twitter Card Meta Data
Twitter Card meta data is used to create Twitter Cards when sharing talent to Twitter. Site, Title Template, Description Template, and Creator will set the text data that goes along with your talent post to Twitter.
Title Template - Use VARIABLES to build a title template. Title should be concise and will be truncated at 70 characters. Ex: Looking to hire in {CITY}, {STATE}?
Available Variables
Description Template - Use VARIABLES to build a description template that concisely summarizes the content of the page, as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Do not re-use the title text as the description, or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. Description text will be truncated at the word to 200 characters. Ex: Looking to hire in {CITY}, {STATE}? Our team of recruiters can help! Check out our talent: {TITLE}
Image URL - This is a URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. Images for this Card should be at least 280px in width, and at least 150px in height. Image must be less than 1MB in size.
For more information on how to set up the Open Graph and Twitter Card meta data, check out our detailed help desk article.
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