The searching settings allow you to control the way your Talent Showcase works. You can control the search options, field labels and way search results are displayed.
Search Form
Enable Search - This enables the search form on the Talent Showcase - if this is not selected, the "Find Talent" option in the Talent Showcase header will not be available. A client's only option would be to browse the list of talent.
Display Search By Location - Toggle this to hide or display the location search field.
Display Search By Proximity - This allows clients to display their results by the proximity to their postal code. It requires that a zip code is entered for all talent posts.
Display Search By Employment Type - This setting allows clients to search for talent using the Employment Type field. By default, this option is enabled. Disabling this option will remove the Employment Type field from displaying on the Talent Showcase.
Expand Advanced Search By Default - If you'd like the Advanced Search fields to display by default, use this option.
Employment Type Label: The optional field, Employment Type, may be renamed here. By default, the label for this field is "Employment Type".
Category Label: The required field is used to classify talent into job categories. The label used by the field can be changed. By default the Category field label is "Category".
State Label: Utilizing this field will change the term "State" on the Talent Showcase and application. By default, the label for this field is "State/Province".
Search Results
Display Images: Use this field to hide or display images if you'd prefer a text based showcase.
Display Post Date: Use this field to hide or display the date your talent post was added to the showcase.
Display Talent Star Rating: Use this to hide or display the star rating for each talent post.
Display Talent Country: Use this to hide or display the country field.
Display Desired Pay: Use this to hide or display the desired salary of your talent.
Display Recruiter Bios: Use this to hide or display the bio and image of the recruiter assigned to the talent post.
Check Send Talent Alerts by Default: By default, talent alerts will be sent when a client inquires about talent. Use this to disable these notifications.
Default Sort Order: Use this to set talent to load in random order every time the page is visited! Or sort by Oldest First, Newest First, Title, or Location.
Default Results Layout: You may choose to display search results in a grid or list view. Grid view shows talent side-by-side in a grid style with title, location and category, whereas List view displays talent one on top of another with the same info as above, in addition to an excerpt of the talent description.
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