The mobile settings page allows you to control the way the Career Portal works on mobile devices, independently from the way the Career Portal is set up to work on a desktop computer screen.
Display all jobs as initial Career Portal page? Like the option for the standard Career Portal, the mobile options allow the Career Portal to be set to display the job search results page of all jobs as the first page on mobile devices.
Use desktop version for iPad? By default the Career Portal will use the desktop version on an iPad. This option is available to override the standard Career Portal and use the mobile version on the iPad instead.
URL to Your Logo: The mobile version of the Career Portal does not display on your Career Portal’s branded template which was created for the standard desktop Career Portal. Instead the branding is handled by displaying the company name and a logo optimized for mobile. The logo file should be a maximum of 250px by 40px and saved as a transparent PNG.
Custom Mobile CSS: Like the desktop branding settings, this option is available to allow your web developer to implement custom styling to override the mobile Career Portal default styles. Please refer to the Help Center article for more information.
Hide Google Drive and Dropbox on Mobile: If you'd prefer not to display this option on mobile, you can disable it here.
Display "Call Us" Button: Show the "Call Us" button on mobile job details page - the number this button links to is the corporate number we have on file for your client account - if you need to change it, please contact
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