The notifications page allows you to control which notifications are provided to the job seeker as well as to your company’s team. It also allows you to set up and edit notifications that go to candidates. By default, you have a thank you page after applying. You can edit that message. Optionally, you can configure an auto-reply that is sent after a candidate applies for a job.
To access the Notification Settings select Career Portal from the left hand menu then Settings then Notifications.
Send Admin Signup Notifications? When this setting is checked, your Career Portal's default owner will receive an email notification every time someone registers on your Career Portal. By default, this setting will be turned on. If you do not want the Default Owner to receive these email notifications, uncheck this option.
Send Admin Application Notifications? When this setting is checked, the Recruiter / Job Owner will receive an email notification every time someone completes an application for the Recruiter's job posting. By default this will be turned on. If you do not want the Recruiter / Job Owner to receive these email notifications, uncheck this option. The only reason this may be desired is if your ATS has a way to notify you when application come through. Turning this off means that the Haley Marketing Career Portal WILL NOT NOTIFY you when someone applies. Application details and resumes are accessible when viewing a job in the Manage Jobs section.
CC Default Career Portal Owner on All Applications? When this setting is checked, the default Career Portal owner will receive an email (as a CC) of all application notifications.
Send Candidate Notifications? When this setting is turned on, the job seeker will receive a welcome email from the Career Portal after registering. By default this will be turned on. If you do not want the job seeker to receive a welcome email, uncheck this option, although that would not be typical of most clients. This email comes from the Career Portal default owner.
Application Confirmation Email Notification Subject: If this field and the next field are populated, an auto-reply email will be sent to the candidate. This will be the subject line of the notification email. This email comes from the recruiter on the job.
Application Confirmation Email Notification Text: This is the body of the email. Typically clients will use this section to thank the candidate and set expectations, or to provide next steps in the process. This field supports HTML, so you can include links to other parts of your website - i.e. important documents, testing/training links and anything else you want to give to a prospective employee.
Custom Success Message on Thank You Page: Every time a job seeker completes an application, the Career Portal will display a thank you message to the job seeker. If you do not enter anything in this field, the Career Portal will display "Thank you for submitting your application." for clients who have signup buttons hidden, or "Setup Job Alerts to be notified when other jobs become available. It's easy! Just go to My Saved Searches to save a search and automatically create an alert." for those who provide saved search options to their candidates. If you want to change the default thank you message, enter your own message in this field. This field also supports HTML, so you can include links to other parts of your website as mentioned above.
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