We only send good stuff! And we want to make sure it gets delivered to your inbox.
Please white list the following*:
- haleymarketing.com – all one-to-one personal correspondence is sent from this domain
- mg.haleymail.com – all Career Portal mailings and alerts, and HaleyMail newlsetters and InstantMails
- mg2.haleymail.com – all notifications, applications, form submissions from your HMG-hosted website, Career Portal or HaleyMail accounts are sent from this domain
-,, and – all Career Portal mailings and alerts, and HaleyMail newsletters and InstantMails, as well as all notifications, applications, form submissions from your HMG-hosted website, Career Portal or HaleyMail accounts are sent from these IPs, which are subject to change.
What should I do?
- First things first, add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts or address book. Our team sends you personal one-to-one email about your marketing projects. You send requests to support and we need to respond. Adding these email addresses to your contact list will tell your email client that you trust email from that address.
- Check your spam and junk folders. If you see an email from us in your spam or junk folder, open that email and mark it as "not spam."
- Add the domains and IP address listed above to your white list in your spam filter. Instructions are readily available in your spam filter's help files or with a Google search.
- If your company maintains a corporate white list, contact your IT department to request that the domains and IP address listed above be included on that whitelist / safelist as well.
- Reach out to success@haleymarketing.com - we can provide you with information to add to your DNS to improve deliverabilty - sender authentication.
Still not getting our emails?
If messages continue to be sent to your junk folder, please contact your ISP or spam filter application support. The effort will be worthwhile.
*Note the domains and IP address listed above are subject to change.
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