When posting a job in myHaley, you have the ability to tag jobs as remote - there are a few options you can use:
- No
- Fully Remote
- Work from home flexibility
- Temporarily remote due to COVID-19
These values were suggested by Indeed to use as standard for tagging remote friendly jobs.
To enable this filter, go to myHaley > Career Portals > Settings > Searching and check the box for "Display Remote Work Filter?".
Then, set the label for the filter on the Career Portal by entering into the "Label for Remote Work Filter" below it. The default value will be "Remote Friendly", but you can change it to whatever you'd prefer.
Here's what it looks like on the Career Portal when enabled (it is part of Advanced Search options) - Candidates will then be able to search for jobs based on this new filter:
When posting a job on the Career Portal, the posting screen will include this option so you can assign to individual jobs.
Google For Jobs
Setting a job with one of these values will populate Google For Jobs schema so jobs will be marked on Google For Jobs per their remote job guidelines.
These criteria meet Indeed's specifications for adding remote work tags to aggregator XML feeds to Indeed for their own classification purposes.
Please note:
If you have a Bullhorn integration, see here for instructions on configuring in Bullhorn.
If you have an integration where you are able to create a custom field, please contact the Success team at success@haleymarketing.com to see if it is supported with the Haley Career Portal.
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