Miscellaneous Questions
Released in 2016, the all new Haley Marketing Group Career Portal includes a new interface and a ton of new features.
- What Does the Keywords Field Under Filter Applications in MyHaley Search?
- What Is a Data Request Notification?
- Can I set two different recruiters to receive resumes for one job?
- How do I find out what information may be missing on my jobs for Google Jobs?
- What is the Resume Library?
- Removing a Contact - Global Opt-Out Instructions
- What is a Delete Request Notification?
- What Does the Haley Marketing Career Portal Include?
- Why aren't my jobs on Indeed redirecting to my Career Portal?
- FlashRecruit
- What is CSS and how can I use it to style my Career Portal or talent showcase?
- Why is there odd formatting in my job posting?
- What's the difference between the Additional Info field and the Job Posting Footer Text field?
- Change to the text fields when posting a job
- What are all these blank applications on my job posting in myHaley?
- How Can I Archive a Job?
- How to export a list of Career Portal registrants
- How do I find out which of my recruiters' jobs performed best?