How do you know which candidates applied for which jobs in myHaley?
To see applications for a specific job:
First, you will need to log into myHaley. Next, click on Career Portal and Manage Jobs.
Select the job that you want to view the applicants for. You can view the quantity of applicants over a period of time by viewing the "Performance" tab, on the right side of the screen. This window will also show the source of the applicants, or where they found the job. This could be the Career Portal or a job aggregate site.
Next, the tab at the bottom labeled "Applicants" will show all of the applicants throughout the entire job's history. You can click on the name or email address and it will bring you directly to their contact file within "Lists".
To view a specific candidate's application history:
Within "Lists" you can view applicants, as well. Go to myHaley, Lists, and Manage Contacts. You can search by any of the criteria to find a candidate. After you click on their email address to open their account, you can view their "Career Portal History" tab to see when and what jobs they have applied to, along with downloading their resume.
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