Status of Contacts in myHaley
Contacts within the lists in MyHaley will now show a "Status" field that describes that contact's ability to receive emails sent out through MyHaley.
There are several options that may be shown:
Uploaded: The contact was uploaded by you or your Marketing Advisor via a list provided by you. They will receive your mailings, as long as their email address is valid.
Opted-In: The contact opted-in when filling out the sign-up form on your Career Portal or newsletter. They will receive your mailings.
Please Do Not Mail: This contact chose not to receive mail from you when filling out the sign-up form on your Career Portal or newsletter. They will not receive your mailings.
Email is Bouncing: This contact's emails have not been delivered consistently due to bouncing over 5 times in 120 days. This means either the email address is bad or the email cannot be delivered there. They will not receive your mailings.
Here is an example of the column within MyHaley's "Download Contacts" section of "Lists" to see what status the contact is:
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