When you have a Career Portal integration with the TempWorks integration you have the option of using either the Haley Marketing application or HRCenter. If you are using the Haley Markeing application, by default, Haley pulls in a full list of the branches fromTempWorks and displays them for selection by the applicant if they are not applying for a specific job and are using the "skip the search". You may not want all of your web public branches available for selection, so we have an option for you!
Want to remove specific branches from the drop down?
Login to myHaley and go to Career Portal > Settings > Application:
Click the drop down and select the branches you want to display for the candidate to select from on the application.
Note that the branches are only displayed when the candidate isn't applying for a specific job. If the applicant is applying for a specific job the branch of the job will be associated with the candidate record when they are added to TempWorks.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Success team at success@haleymarketing.com.
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