Remote Partner Branding of the Career Portal
The following guidelines are intended as reference when creating a custom partner brand template to be used with the Haley Marketing Group Career Portal. To avoid any potential delays or complications with your implementation, please read this guide carefully and contact with questions or issues you may have.
How does it work?
The career portal branding engine provides an extremely flexible and powerful method for branding the career portal to your site, creating a seamless interaction for site visitors.
Benefits of the system include the ability to update the branding to make desired changes. Plus, your changes will display immediately as the template is updated on your server, using a simple reload discussed later in this document.
If we do not host your website, we have found that it is most effective in the long-term for your team to create the branding page needed for your career portal. This ensures that whenever you update your website, the changes are reflected on your career portal as well.
If this seems overwhelming, and you don’t have a web developer who can do this for you, please let us know. If your site is built on WordPress, we can typically create the page for you on your server. If your site is not WordPress, don’t worry, our team can create the page and then we will host them on our servers. The only difference with Haley hosting your template, is that if you make changes that affect the design or function of your website, you’d need to contact us to make the same changes on the page we host, which may incur additional future cost.
Creating Your Template
- Create a page that displays exactly as you would like – including all navigation, coding and graphics (see guidelines below).
- Place the following line of code (all uppercase, exactly as it appears) with no HTML or CSS formatting applied to it into the area of the page where you would like the Career Portal content to display:
Template Creation Guidelines
- Content Area: The area in which the Career Portal content will appear should be a minimum of
600 pixels wide and a white background is strongly recommended.
- Avoid these META Tags: Use of expires, revisit-after, and base meta tags will have unpredictable results when combined with our dynamic content. If you must use them, be sure to test them.
- File names: While we recommend .html as your file name extension, the page file name will work with most any standard file name, such as .html, .htm, .asp, .php, etc. WordPress pages don’t have an extension, which will work as well.
- No Frames: Frames are NOT supported. If the site requires the use of frames, additional custom programming may be required at an added cost.
- Google Analytics Code: If you want to see traffic on your Career Portal, and you already have your own analytics code installed on your site, then you need to make sure that your Google Analytics code is on the remote branding template that is provided to us, and please provide it to your project manager for inclusion on the mobile version of the career portal.
- jQuery: jQuery should only load once, and from the footer of the page, not the header. Having duplicate instances of jQuery script, or placement of jQuery in the header, may inversely affect your Career Portal’s ability to load and display jobs.
- SEO Plugins & Meta Data: Be careful that the branding page is not optimized using third party SEO plugins like AutoOptimize, Yoast or All-in-one SEO - using these may cause the body content to be added to the site meta data, creating an issue with multiple boards displaying on one page.
Modifying the Standard Styles
You may customize the look and feel of the Career Portal by adding styles via Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Please refer to the Job Board CSS Customization Guide available in the Help Center for specific details. Once created, CSS can be entered through myHaley on the Career Portal Settings > Branding and Mobile pages.
Updating Your Template
You may update the branding to make desired changes at any time after the initial set up. Your changes will display immediately as the template is updated on your server. Since we pull the template page on-the-fly, the page will be displayed exactly as provided every time.
Clearing the Template Cache
Changes to the template are available by clearing the template cache. To do this, simply append
/?reload=1 to your Career Portal URL.
Example: https://YOUR_JOB_BOARD_URL/?reload=1
Verifying the Template Cache has Cleared
By viewing the source of the Career Portal main page, you will be able to determine the last time the cache was updated and the web address of the branding template.
Below is an example from
<meta id="OGTitle" property="og:title" content="Haley Marketing Group">
<meta id="OGUrl" property="og:url" content="">
<meta content="2/2/2013 10:8:9" name="hmg-cached" />
<meta content="1359817689" name="hmg-cached-timestamp" />
<meta content="" name="hmg-cached-url" />
This applies to your Career Portal as follows:
<meta id="OGTitle" property="og:title" content="Your Company Name”>
<meta id="OGUrl" property="og:url" content="https://YOUR_JOB_BOARD_URL/index.smpl?">
<meta content="2/4/2013 6:59:7" name="hmg-cached" />
<meta content="1359979147" name="hmg-cached-timestamp" />
<meta content="https://Your_Branding_Template_URL" name="hmg-cached-url" />
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