When used properly and occasionally, adding emojis and symbols in subject lines can increase open rates in email marketing. Want to give it a try? Here's how:
- Pick an emoji from your favorite source. For example:
Just click the emoji and it's automatically copied to your clipboard. - Open this page in your browser:
https://tools.bluestatedigital.com/kb/subject-line-assistant - Paste your emojis and type in the rest of your subject into the "Email Subject" field.
- Press the "Encode it!" button.
- Copy and paste the "Encoded String" into the subject field of your InstantMail in myHaley.
Please note - Emojis will not display correctly on the newsletter archive page - so if you use emojis in the subject, you'll want to ask your marketing adviser to populate the optional Archive Subject without the emojis.
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