On the classic and long versions of the Haley Marketing career portal application, one of the application questions asks how the applicant heard about this job position - Career Portal, Job Fair, Newspaper, Referral, Social Media, Web Search, and Other (other prompts an empty text field to appear, as well, for the candidate to submit another source).
To modify this list, you'll need to navigate to the "Settings" section of the career portal in MyHaley.
Under the "Applications" sub section, scroll down until you see the "Custom Referral Source List". Enter in one source, per line.
The "Other" source will automatically populate on your live Career Portal application, so you do not need to add this one yourself! If you'd prefer not to provide the "Other" option, there's a setting to hide it here as well.
By default, sources come over in a format of all lowercase with spaces represented with a hyphen - like this; job-board
If you prefer to have the title case and spacing, there's also an option to save the source exactly as entered.
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